Worship Reimagined
We are reimagining how we do worship at Eastside Covenant Church to faithfully make disciples in the midst of our changing cultural and spiritual landscape. which means for us that we don't have a sermon every week. By drawing on both the New Testament Church as well as traditional and historic Christian practices, our aim is to gather together in ways that are holistic, participatory, sustainable, and welcoming. We believe it is not just the 'what' that matters on a Sunday morning, but also the 'how'. To that end we have a rhythm of worship practices to reflect that idea, while still maintaining musical worship, prayer, and communion in each service. Read the descriptions below for more information and reach out with any questions. We would love to have you join us!

Our traditional service occurs twice a month or more and includes a sermon by the pastor from the scriptures or about a specific topic important for our faith lives. As you can probably tell from the title, this is what you might typically expect from a modern worship service. The proclamation and explanation of the scriptures in a way that honors the text and can be applied to our current lives and contexts is central to the growth of the Church.
This service occurs once a month and is guided by the pastor or teacher, but is highly participatory and relies upon our communal wisdom. Come sit at a table in our sanctuary while we open up scripture and discover questions, insights, and applications together. This time will help form our congregation to be curious, encouraging, and scripturally engaged.
Once a quarter we host a volunteer service consists of worship through acts of justice, compassion, and service towards various needs in our Tucson community. All ages and abilities will participate.
Our Contemplative Service occurs roughly once every other month or so. It forms us as believers who are able to be still, examine, and pray in a world that often prioritizes productivity and generates constant information and noise. Although contemplation is not a passive exercise, it emphasizes being over doing and the result is a practice that is sure foster wisdom and formation in our spiritual journeys with Christ. This service will consist of ancient Christian prayer practices such as lectio divina and visio divina in addition to other creative and reflective responses.
Fifth Sunday Liturgy of Rest
Several times throughout the year, a month will have five Sundays. On these days, in an attempt to honor our volunteers with rest, we have a scaled back service with a simple liturgy, brief teaching, prayer, and communion. Children are welcome to attend this service as no Sunday School occurs on these 5th Sundays.